Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome from Both of Us!


Welcome to Mother/Daughter Connection -- a blog designed to bring mothers and daughters together to learn, grow and understand one another better. My eldest daughter and I came up with this idea because as much as we love each other, lately it seems that we have been going through arguments and head-butting that make it clear we are not understanding each other, or are having problems seeing the other person's point of view. If we can create a bridge of understanding and connection, perhaps it will help us have a more supportive relationship. Hopefully through this blog, other mothers and daughters can also find a way to reach out and connect with one another in a rewarding and positive way.


Hi Everyone!

I'm Lauren and I am the daughter part of this blog along with my mom playing the Mom role! Sometimes kids make parents upset. But guess what? Parents also make kids upset by the things that they say or do. They may not realize that they are offending their kids, and they are probably just trying to teach you important values that you need to know when you are as old as them. But my mom and I are making this blog because we want to understand each other better, and have something fun to do together. And hopefully help other mothers and daughters to bond and connect as well. The way the blog will work is that we'll write a monthly post and then end with a question that both mothers and daughters can answer. Just leave your answers in the comments below. Maybe by reading your answers and other people's answers, we can all come together and learn a little bit more about each other.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this blog!
Lauren, Age 10

QUESTION: What is your daughter's/mother's best quality?